
Economics: Why is it OK for China or Japan when they devalue their currency but horrible for Russia that they are going through it now?

経済学:日本と中国にとってなぜ貨幣価値を下げることが良いのですか?今 通り抜けているロシアにとっては恐ろしいこと なのに。



China and Japan are manufacturing economies. When you devalue the currency, exports become cheaper, this creates local jobs, and since people use local currency to pay for local stuff, this boosts the economy.

Russia is an oil economy. Because oil is a global commodity when you devalue the ruble, people don't buy more oil. Because Russia uses oil profits to import stuff, things become more expensive. The other problem with oil is that it is a capital intensive industry. It doesn't create that many jobs, and those jobs tend to be high skill rather than low skill.

A 回答 (1件)

Why is it OK for China or Japan when they devalue their currency but (why is it) horrible for Russia that they are going through it now?

のようにbutの後の why is it が省略されています。訳は『どうして日本か中国が通貨切り下げをすることは良いのに、ロシアが現在経験しつつあることはロシアにとっては恐ろしいことなのか? この場合のthatは特別変なthat ではなく it is horrible that ~ 『~であることは恐ろしい』ということです。英文の答えの部分の通りロシアは石油の輸出が国の大きな収入を占めルーブルの価値が下がると困るということです。
    • good
    • 2


お礼日時:2015/05/18 02:15
