
各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適当な語を入れる問題です。
1.(a) What was the cause of the explosion?
(b) ( ) ( ) the explosion?

2.(a)The economy is already bad, but the recession will likely go deeper still.
(b)We have (y ) to see the worst of the economic recession.

3.(a)The papers you have submitted are not satisfactory at all.
(b)The papers you have submitted are by ( ) ( ) satisfactory.

4. (a)I couldn't tell the differnece between the two.
(b)I couldn't tell one ( ) ( ) ( ).

A 回答 (1件)

1. What caused the explosion?

2. We have yet to see...

3. by no means

4. tell one from the other
    • good
    • 2

