
1.(①She has) (②hardly) started (③reading) the passage aloud (④When) she coughed.
2.A:Where (①did )you come (②from)?
B:I was (③born) in San Francisco and (④raised) in Boston.
3.(①The biggest change I experienced) (②after returning from so many years abroad) (③was everyone praising at my English).
4.I was (①traveling by train) looking (②out) the window, when I (③hit upon) a good idea and I tried to find something (④to write with it).
5.(①These days) more and more Japanese people (②are going abroad) (③because) the strong yen, and Narita Airport (④is) very crowded.

A 回答 (1件)

1 ① She had

had hardly 過去分詞 when 過去

2 ① do 出身を尋ねる場合は現在形

3 ③ praise は他動詞

4 ④ to write with

5 ③ because of
because of 名詞
because SV
    • good
    • 1

