


(2) 使い方を教えていただけますか。

(3) ちょっと待ってもらえるかしら。

(4) 私は夕食後にそれを使いたいのですが。

(5) 朝食前にそれを使ってもらった方がいいわ。




A 回答 (4件)

(1) Could I use a washing machine?

(2) Could you teach how to use?
(3) Please wait a minute.
(4) I would like to use it after dinner.
(5) You should use it before breakfast.
(6) I will very thank you if you help me prepare a draft of my speech.
(7) Could I visit you(Mr./Mrs./Miss.○○) at lunch break tomorrow.
(8) I will thank you if you read a draft of my speech and give me some advice.
    • good
    • 3


⑶ Wait a minutes, please.
⑷ I would like to use it after dinner.
⑸ I would rather you use it before breakfast.
⑹ I would be thankful if you could help me prepare my speech.
⑺ Could I visit you during lunch time tomorrow?
⑻ I would be thankful if you could
read my speech and give me some advice.
    • good
    • 1

⑴Could I use the washing machine?

⑵ Could you tell me how to use it?
    • good
    • 0


write sentence japanese to english
    • good
    • 2
