



(2) あなたなしで、彼らはどうするつもりだろうね?



I'm (the/of/sure/smaller/do/my/the two bags/for/will)short trip.

(4) 次の日曜に彼女に会うのだが、それまでが待ち遠しい。<一語句不要>

I (next Sunday/her/I/seeing/can/am/wait/hardly/long/but).

(5) 歩いてその公園に行くのに5分かかった。
(to/brought/five minute's walk/us/the park/by/we).<2語句不要>

A 回答 (2件)

⑴ You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say

⑵ What do you suppose they'll do
without you?
⑶ sure the smaller one of the two bags will do for my
⑷ I can hardly wait long next Sunday but seeing her
⑸ Five minutes' walk brought us
to the park.
    • good
    • 0

You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say.

What do you suppose they'll do without you?

I'm sure the smaller of the two bags will do for my short trip.

I am seeing her next Sunday, but can hardly wait long

Five minute's walk brought us to the park.
    • good
    • 0

