【大喜利】【投稿~9/7】 ロボットの住む世界で流行ってる罰ゲームとは?

A:What is the most unexpected exprience you have had in Vietnam?
B:Let's see,the most unexpected exprience I've had probaly is Vietnamese traffic conditions. Inthe first day of my trip to Vietnam,I was astonished to see a large number of motorcycles running on the roads in Ho Chi Minh much more than cars.
It's because not car drivers but people riding thire motorcycles were causing a traffic jam!
I’ve never seen such a unfamiliar sight in Japan and I wondered with question how motorists managed to avoid road accidents in that complicated traffic environment.

a large number of motorcycles running on the roads in Ho Chi Minh much more than cars.
の部分なのですが、そもそもa large numberと入れていることでバイクの数の多さを示していると思うのですが、さらに車との比較をして、つまり、「車よりも多く、かなりの数の走っているバイクを見て驚いた」とのような文の取り方でよいでしょうか?

A 回答 (2件)

in Japan とあるように日本人が書いた英語でしょ?

with question あたりもよくわからないです。
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