


Nothing in the world (a happy family/as/gives/having/people/much real pleasure/so).

(2) 彼はとてもよく働くので、ますます援助してやりたい気になる。

I am (the/all/because/inclined/he/help/him/to/works/more)so hard.


An alcoholic has (control/drinking/he/his/more/no/over/than/would)over a wild bear.

(4) 準備なしで受験するなんて、ちょっと考えが浅すぎるよ。

(known/than/without/you/have/to/should/take/better/an examination/preparing/for it).

(5) 最も強力なエネルギー源でありながら、人間によって一番有効に利用されていないのは日光である。(1語不足)

The most powerful source of energy, and at the same time the one (by/effectively/is/man/sunlight/used).

A 回答 (1件)

1 gives so much real pleasure as having a happy family

2 inclined to help him all the more because he works

3 An alcoholic has no more control over his drinking than he would

4 You should have known better than to take an examination without preparing for it.

5 used least effectively by man is sunlight
    • good
    • 3

