

(1) My parents are broadminded,(liberal) and understanding to an extent that I probably could never match.

①willing to understand and respect other people's ideas, opinions, and feelings
②supporting or allowing gradual political and social changes
③generous or given in large amounts
④concerned with increasing somebody's general knowledge and experience rather than particular skills

(2) Thomas certainly has the (drive) to become a good lawyer.

①a journey in a car or other vehicle
②a strong desire to do things and achieve something; great energy
③the part of a computer that reads and stores information on disks or tapes
④an act of chasing animals or the enemy and making them go into a smaller area, especially in order to kill or capture them

(3) Every month pension (contributions) are automatically deducted from my pay.

①an action or a service that helps to cause or increase something
②an amount of money that you give for a charitable cause
③a regular payment that you make to your employer or to the government
④a piece of writing,a song, a speech,etc.that forms part of a larger work such as a newspaper, book, broadcast, recording,etc.

(4) She had slept with her head on a folded jacket and the buttons had left an (impression) on her cheek.

①an idea,a feeling or an opinion that you get about somebody or something
②the effect that an experience or a person has on somebody or something
③a mark that is left when an object is pressed hard into a surface
④all the copies of a book that are printed at one time, with few or no changes to the contents since the last time the book was printed

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