

The primary purpose of interrogating a “suspect” is to investigate (determine guilt), and the primary purpose of interrogating an “accused” (arrested person) is to obtain an incriminating statement (a confession).



    I'm heading out... have a wonderful New Years Eve!!

    Talk to you next year :o)

    No.2の回答に寄せられた補足コメントです。 補足日時:2017/12/31 20:35

A 回答 (2件)

I wasn't sure if Japanese police don't 尋問. So I googled "警察による尋問” and had about 1.9K hits including a paper by a Japanese university teacher below.

It seems to me okay to use the word 尋問 for Japanese police. It's up to you.

http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/acd/cg/law/lex/11-2/ma …
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Sorry, I was referring to the court orders sent to the police stations 代用監獄. The prosecutor has to write what the purpose of holding someone for. In that case they use the word 取調べ meaning to obtain a statement. It doesn't mean to investigate but instead to interrogate. Or at least this is what I've been told.

尋問 is a very popular word and is used all the time however I can't use it because I'm responding to a court police related document that uses only the word 取調べ. I therefore have to use their terminology. I hope that makes sense.

Also, 尋問=取調べ (basically the same thing) so my lovely English meaning would get lost. I need a word to mean 'investigate'. Is 捜査 not a good choice?

Or, are you saying that the following is just too hard to understand? Note that this is directed to the court, and not to the general public.


I would love to hear back regarding this. So thanks in advance !

お礼日時:2017/12/31 19:42


ですから investigateを「取り調べる」と訳しinterrogateを「尋問する」と訳したほうがいいように思います。


Prospero Año y Felicidad
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thanks for the reply... much appreciated!!! :o)

I've been told that the police do not use 尋問 so I haven't used this word. I'm told the official word is 取調べ which means: 供述を求めること

so can I use 取調べ and then 捜査

*when I write investigate, I mean to look for evidence, talk to witnesses etc.. How's this:


Yeah,... I think I should have studied Spanish, it would have been a hell of a lot easier.

Please do let me know if the above is okay. And thanks again!

お礼日時:2017/12/31 18:54
