
A writer in English has a wide choice of words in which to express himselfの英文はin which のないto express himselfと何が違うのか?1) a wide choice of words in which のwhichを置き換えるとin the wide choice of words 。そしてa wide choice of wordsとto express himselfはSV関係の不定詞…in whichはa wide choice of words を修飾する形容詞節を導くかわりに不定詞句を導いている…?よくわかりません。どう理解したらいいでしょうか?2)訳すときin whichがあるときと、ないときで訳出の違いか何かあるのだしょうか、あることでどんな効果があるのでしょうか?

A 回答 (1件)

to 不定詞の形容詞的用法というのは、要するに関係節と同じです。

the letter to write = the letter that you should write
something to eat = something (that) I can eat

There is nothing to talk about anymore.
= nothing that I can/should talk about

a nice room to sleep in
= a nice room that you can sleep in
= a nice room in which you can sleep

a frozen pond to skate on
= a frozen pond that you can skate on
= a frozen pond on which you can skate

nothing to talk about = nothing about which to talk
a nice room to sleep in = a nice room in which to sleep
a frozen pond to skate on = a frozen pond on which to skate

words in which to express himself
 =words in which he can express himself

in which がなかったら、副詞的用法になってしまいます。
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