

On one fire she placed a big pot full of manman-chou, camagnioc, yams, christophines, bananas, devil's egg-plants (me-longene-diabe) , and many herbs the little girl did not know the names of.

On the other fire she began to broil some toads, and an earth-lizard, — zanoli-te.

At noon the old woman swallowed all that as if it was nothing at all ; — then she looked at the little girl, who was nearly dead for hunger, and said to her :—
— “ Until you can tell me what name I am called by, you will not get anything to eat . ” .... Then she went away, leaving the little girl alone.

The little girl began to weep. Suddenly she felt something touching her. It was a big serpent , — the biggest she had ever seen. She was so fright- ened that she almost died ; — then she cried out :—

A 回答 (1件)



正午におばあさんはそれを全く飲まなかったかのように飲み込んだ。 - 彼女は飢えのためにほとんど死んでいた少女を見て、彼女に言った:
- "あなたが私に呼び出された名前を教えてくれるまで、あなたは何も食べることができません。 "....そして、彼女は離れて、少女だけを残しました。

その少女は泣き出し始めた。 突然、彼女は何かを感じた。 それは大きな蛇だった - 彼女が今まで見た中で一番大きな蛇だった。 彼女は恐れて、彼女はほとんど亡くなりました。 - 彼女は叫んだ: -
    • good
    • 1
