
I love giving gifts. I travel a lot and am constantly on the look out for unique, personal items that I know will mean something special to my friends and family. It’s a kind of sport for me, I guess, but I never thought about its having winners and losers until this last Christmas. I have a friend of 20 years who’s been married these last four. I usually get her something special and give him a bottle of Scotch. While I don’t know him that well I do know he collects a very specific type of sports memorabilia and while traveling last year I found a very rare and underpriced item that I knew he’d been searching for. So I bought it for him and waited eagerly for Christmas. But the moment he opened it I knew I’d made a mistake. He was overjoyed and declared it the best gift he’d ever gotten, and my friend was livid. She dragged me into the kitchen and tore me a new one.

tear someone a new oneはどのような意味でしょうか?英語での説明はあったのですが、日本語の訳がほしいです。よろしくお願いします

A 回答 (3件)

tear some one a new one

=tear someone a new asshole

http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acre …
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お礼日時:2018/11/09 09:57


女友達の旦那にとっておきのクリスマスプレゼントをあげたら、旦那があまりに大喜びするので、その女友達が私に「そんなプレゼントをあげたら自分のプレゼントが惨めで困ってしまう」というようなことをおこって文句をいう、ということです。 もちろんこの文脈ではその女友達は冗談半分で文句をいっていると私は感じますが。
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お礼日時:2018/11/09 09:57


「tear someone a new o」の回答画像1
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お礼日時:2018/11/09 09:57
