
Gravity, a mere nuisance to Christian was a terror to Pope, Pagan and Despair To the mouse and any smaller animal it presents practically to dangers You can drop a mouse dows a thousand yard mine shaft, and on ariving at the bottom. t gets a slight shock and wks away/evided that the ground is fairly soft/A rat killed g man is broken a horse splashes For the resistace prested to movement by the air is proportional to the surface of the moving object,/Dvide an anals length breadth and height each by ten its weight is reduced to a thousandth, but its surta only to a hndredth So the resistatece to falling in the case of the small driving force
(An insect, therefore, is not afraid of gravity;) it can fall without danger, and can cling to the ceiling with remarkably little trouble.
It can go in for elegant and fantastic forms of support like that of the daddy-longlegs.
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