
“Conversely, the percentage of senior citizens is clearly the smallest overall, with Kenya’s fraction of this age group shown to be just 2 % of its entire population.”

この"shown to be"の用法について解説お願いします、、。

A 回答 (1件)

S show O (to be) C / SV that 節

〈人・事などが〉O〈人・物・事が〉…であることを証明する, 示す
Bill showed himself to be stupid by the way he behaved.

show it to be false それが偽りであることを証明する.
[研究社 新英和大辞典第6版]

They show Kenya’s fraction of this age group to be just 2%

Kenya’s fraction of this age group is shown to be just 2%

which is shown to be just 2%

which is を消して過去分詞の形容詞的用法にすると
shown to be just 2%
    • good
    • 0
