
JACKSON, NJ—Embellished by exquisite luxury residences crafted by award-winning Paramount Homes, a pristine wooded area surrounding a tranquil lake continues to attract discerning families to the Paramount Classics at Whispering Grove community in Jackson. During this time of year, in particular, visitors to this family-oriented neighborhood have shown their appreciation for nature from the onset of their visits, often strolling past the lake and taking in the postcard setting before touring the elegant model home.

the postcard settingとは、絵葉書のような美しい景色のことを言うのでしょうか。

A 回答 (1件)


 the postcard setting 「まるで絵はがきの様な美しい風景」で良いと思います。 絵はがきの写真は、空・樹木等の色・輪郭を完璧に後処理・化工していますので、実際はそれなりのもの、そんな風景はどこにもなかった、、、と云う落ちがつきますが、。
    • good
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