

アメリカのビザをとってからショーのリハーサルが始まるまで一度New yorkに帰って練習してもいいですか? 1週間でもいいのでもし可能であれば練習したいです。

Thank you for everything.
I want to have a practice in New York before the show rehearsal after get the VISA, if it is possible.
And I want to know what is the team name which is I am going to go.
so I will able to go US around end of July after get the VISA, right?


A 回答 (3件)

Thank you for everything.

=Thank you for helping me all the time.

I want to have a practice in New York before the show rehearsal after get the VISA, if it is possible.
= Is it possible for me to have a practice back in New York after I get my visa before the show rehearsal starts?
* afterのあとは after I get または after getting
* VISA とするとクレジットカードのようになるので、visa でいいです。

And I want to know what is the team name which is I am going to go.
= Also I would like to know the name of the team I will be in.

so I will able to go US around end of July after get the VISA, right?
= My understanding is that I can come to the U.S.around the end of July after getting my visa,is that correct ?

* go to the U.S. to が要ります。
* my understanding is ~~~,is it correct? 
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Thank you for everything. After I get my visa and before rehearsa

l for the show starts I'd like to return to New York to practice, is that OK? Even a week's practice would be fine with me; do you think it would be possible? Also, could you tell me the name of the team? Finally, just to confirm; I need to leave Japan at the end of July after getting my visa, is that correct?
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Thank you very much for your help.

Is that no problem to leave Japan around the end of July after obtaining US visa?
After that, can I have practice in New York as much as possible until rehearsal of the show?
And would you tell me the name of the team which I will join?
I am waiting for your reply.

Is that O.K.?
How do you think about it?
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