

If film grows out of photography, the realistic and formative ten-dencies must be operative in it also.Is it by sheer accident that the two tendencies manifested themselves side by side immediately after the rise of the medium? As if to encompass the whole range of cinematic endeavors at the outset, each went the limit in exhausting its own possibilities.Their prototypes were Lumiere, a strict realist, and Melies, who gave free rein to his artistic imagination.The films they made embody, so to speak, thesis and antithesis in a Hegelian sense.

Lumiere's films contained a true innovation, as compared with the repertoire of the zootropes or Edison's peep boxes ; they pictured everyday life after the manner of photographs.
Some of his early pictures, such as Baby's Breakfast ( Le Dejeuner de bebe) or The Card Players (La Partie d'ecarte), testify to the amateur photographers's delight in family idyls and genre scenes.
And there was Teasing the Gardener (L'Arroseur arrose), which enjoyed immense popularity because it elicited from the flow of everyday life a proper story with a funny climax to boot.
A gardener is watering flowers and, as he unsuspectingly proceeds, an impish boy steps on the hose, releasing it at the very moment when his perplexed victim examines the dried-up nozzle.
Water squirts out and hits the gardener smack in the face.
Thet denouement is true to style, with the gerdener chasing and spanking the boy.
This film, the germ cell and archetype of all film comedies to come, represented an imaginative attempt on the part of Lumiere to develop photog-raphy into a means of story telling.
Yet the story was just a real-life incident.
And it was precisely its photographic veracity which made Maxim Gorki undergo a shock-like experience.
You think, he wrote about Teasing the Gardener, the spray is going to hit you too, and instinctively shrink back.

A 回答 (1件)


 リュミエールの作品は、zootropes やエジソンの「覗き箱」の類に比べると、実に新しいアイディアを含んでいた、写真のように日常生活を(あるがままに)撮影したのである。初期の、例えば「赤ん坊の朝ご飯」とか「トランプをする人」などは、家族の団らんと言った場面を撮っている素人写真家の喜びが感じられる。で「庭師をからかう」は、毎日の生活の流れからストーリーを採り、笑える落ちをつけた点で大変人気があった。庭師が花に水をやっている、彼が気づかないうちにいたずらっ子がホースを踏んで水を止める、おかしいなと思った庭師が水の出なくなったホースを、覗き込むと同時に男の子は足を上げ、水は勢い良く飛び出して庭師の顔をびしょ濡れにする。最後は、庭師が少年を追い掛け、尻を叩いて、お決まりの終りになる。

 zootropes と言うのは、筒の内側に馬などが走っている写真を張り付け、それを筒の細い穴から見るもので、走っている動物の写真は少しずつ位置を変えてあり、穴から見える写真は一度に一枚、しかし筒を回すと、馬が走っているように見えるものです。
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2011/04/29 07:46
