死刑について英語で質問です。 このサイトでも 死刑の問題は比較的関心も高いんですが、
Most of the Japanese are for the death penalty.
But some people point out several contradictions.
(1) If an eye for an eye is barbarous, a life for a life should be more barbarous.
But why is the death penalty admissible?
(2) How do you think about the miscarriage of justice?
(3) How do you justify the act of the executioners if a murder is evil?
A 回答 (7件)
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- 回答日時:
>> What is your intention to ask for the counterarguments “in English”?
>It's very simple. In order to improve my English, debating about anything in English.
>Do you prefer other topics?
No. Not at all.
This web page requires "question-answer" correspondence.
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It is prohibited to open and hold a discussion here.
And, even though the category is "the learning and education of English", and you want to improve your English, the web page is for the public, not for one individual's sake.
It is better to help as many learners as possible, not just you.
Ask questions that are useful for many.
>Ask questions that are useful for many.
Would you pick up your favorite questions, then?
- 回答日時:
Before coming to each question of yours, let me say this first. In this country, you must have killed someone if you get the death penalty. And there is an insurmountable difference between the murder and all other crimes. In murder, the victims of the crime are gone, no longer exist in the world unlike the victims of all other crimes. They cannot voice how they feel in the court, cannot be solaced or compensated in anyway unlike the victims of other crimes. So I still believe in the death penalty – that you have to pay the heaviest price for the crime which took away the lives of others.
(1)If an eye for an eye is barbarous, a life for a life should be more barbarous.
But why is the death penalty admissible? - Human beings have been and will be barbarous.
(2)How do you think about the miscarriage of justice? - Needless to say, apply death penalty very carefully to minimize the miscarriage of justice.
(3)How do you justify the act of the executioners if a murder is evil? – This question is irrelevant in that the executioner’s act is not based on the malicious intent.
- 回答日時:
If you want to abolish the capital punishment system, choose bett
er politicians who will fulfill your hope. The matter of capital punishment is not so easy to talk about, especially on a web page like this, where a number of people are seeing every day, including those who are very serious about the death penalty matter. What is your intention to ask for the counterarguments “in English”? If you want to seriously discuss the matter, go to another category, or just stop being such a fool as to do things like this. The subject is not favorable.この回答への補足
It is quite curious that you broke the rule yourself and you are tempting an argument.
> What is your intention to ask for the counterarguments “in English”?
It's very simple. In order to improve my English, debating about anything in English.
Do you prefer other topics?

- 回答日時:
駄目ぢゃん、まだ誤記ってるじゃん、Is our children learning?以下ぢゃん。
An eye for an eye keeps us away from demanding too much. But, as you know, a life should not be paid by a life. You have nothing different from Dead and Alive. We usually pay money for anything even if it's someone's life.
If someone is killing you, your family members, your friends, or even a stranger nearby, you can, you should , you must kill that person to protect yourself and others, maybe including the killer. If you hesitate to do that, you will lose not only your life, but also your important people and the community of yours.
However, you might not be able to do that. Then, you will die without do anything for others and yourself. What can protect you or your treasures including your children's or your children? What should we do?
It's not smart, I admit, but one available solution might be that we have a law which kills such scoundrels who try to commit serious crimes against us. Under that kind of laws, we know we will be killed before killing others, and then, it keeps us from violent emotions which comes up from ourselves.
Barbarous? What is "barbarous"? You should stop thinking using meaningless words like barbarous.
すみません。m(_ _)m

- 回答日時:
おまぬけの#1, 2です。
ぐぐぐ、まだ誤記があります。書き直して、全文再掲載いたします。An eye for an eye keeps us away from demanding too much. But, as you know, a life should not be paid by a life. You have nothing different from Dead and Alive. We usually pay money for anything even if it's someone's life.
If someone is killing you, your family members, your friends, or even a stranger nearby, you can, you should , you must kill that person to protect yourself and others, maybe including the killer. If you hesitate to do that, you will lose not only your life, but also your important people and the community of yours.
However, you might not able to do that. Then, you will die without do anything for others and yourself. What can protect you or your treasures including your children's or your children? What should we do?
It's not smart, I admit, but one available solution might be that we have a law which kills such scoundrels who try to commit serious crimes against us. Under that kind of laws, we know we will be killed before killing others, and then, it keeps us from violent emotions which comes up from ourselves.
Barbarous? What is "barbarous"? You should stop thinking using meaningless words like barbarous.
>Barbarous? What is "barbarous"? You should stop thinking using meaningless words like barbarous.
This is not my own opinion , but a supposition.

- 回答日時:
校正漏れがありました。誤>Barbarous? What is "barbarous"? You should not stop thinking using meaningless words like barbarous.
正>Barbarous? What is "barbarous"? You should stop thinking using meaningless words like barbarous.

- 回答日時:
>(1) If an eye for an eye is barbarous, a life for a life should be more barbarous.
>But why is the death penalty admissible?
An eye for an eye keeps us away from demanding too much. But, as you know, a life should not be paid by a life. You have nothing different from Dead and Alive. We usually pay money for anything even if it's someone's life.
If someone is killing you, your family members, your friends, or even a stranger nearby, you can, you should , you must kill that person to protect yourself and others, maybe including the killer. If you hesitate to do that, you will lose not only your life, but also your important people and the community of yours.
However, you might not able to do that. Then, you will die without do anything for others and yourself. What can protect you or your treasures including your children's or your childres? What should we do?
It's not smart, I admit, but one available solution might be that we have a law which kills such scoundrels who try to commit serious crimes against us. Under that kind of laws, we know we will be killed before killing others, and then, it keeps us from violent emotions which comes up from ourselves.
Barbarous? What is "barbarous"? You should not stop thinking using meaningless words like barbarous.
>(2) How do you think about the miscarriage of justice?
>(3) How do you justify the act of the executioners if a murder is evil?
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