
For example, the dog which salivated on seeing food could be trained to do so when hearing a bell ring before the food was presented. Pavlov supposed that new nervous circuits had been developed in the cortex to allow these "conditioned reflexes" to occur-an idea which was the basis for Freud's psychology. The work of the English physiologist Charles Sherrington (1857-1952) at the beginning of the 20th century differed from Pavlov's in that he traced the actual pathways taken by a signal from the skin to the spinal chord and brain, and back along nerves to the muscles. This work established the importance of the synapses-the junctions between nerves-and revealed the significance of inhibitory signals which allow one muscle in a pair to relax so that its partner can move. Sherrington's most important insight, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1932, was that the secret of nervous coordination lay in the integration of reflexes.

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