


A 回答 (3件)

(1) たばこは吸っている本人だけでなく、周りの人にまで害を及ぼしてしまう。

Smoking does harm not only to the smokers themselves but to those around them as well.

(2) たばこの煙による健康への悪影響は喫煙者本人にとどまらない。
Tobacco smoke adversely affects the health not only of the smokers themselves.

(3) 他人のたばこの煙を吸わされる受動喫煙は様々な健康被害を受ける。
Those forced to inhale the smoke of tobacco smoked by others (or "passive smokers") are subjected to various health hazards.
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Tobacco suffers harm to people around him/her as well as a smoker himself/herself.

A harmful impact to the health by smoke of tabacco is not limited to only a smoker himself/herself.
Passive smoking, which forces to be smoked by his/her tabacco smoke, causes a serious influence on other people's health.
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Tobacco harms not only the residents themselves but also the surrounding people. The negative health effects of tobacco smoke are not limited to the smoker himself. Passive smoking smoked by other people's smoking is suffering from various health problems.

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