



Color contact lenses are popular with young people and effective in showing large eyes, but they tend to cause corneal damage. According to the Japan Contact Lens Society, color contact lenses can be easily purchased on the Internet without a prescription, so there is a high possibility of using lenses that do not fit your eyes. If you use a lens that does not fit your eyes, it may cause eye problems. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase after going to the ophthalmologist for examination.

A 回答 (3件)

「showing large eyes」を「making your eyes look larger」に替えれば完ぺきです! 前者だと「(すでに)大きい目を見せるのに(効果的)」という意味になってしまいます。

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No. 1の補足:

> so there is a high possibility of using lenses that do not fit your eyes

Because color contact lenses can be purchased easily on the internet without prescription, it is more likely that you will use lenses that do not fit your eyes.

Color contact lenses can be easily purchased on the Internet without a prescription, so you are more likely to use lenses that don't fit your eyes.
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Colored contact lenses are popular among young people and are effective in making eyes look bigger, but they are more likely to cause corneal damage. According to the Japan Contact Lens Society, you can easily buy colored contact lenses on the Internet without a prescription, so there is a high possibility of using lenses that don't match your eyes. If you use a lens that doesn't fit your eyes, it may cause eye problems. Therefore, you need to go to an ophthalmologist and have an examination before purchasing.
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お礼日時:2019/11/16 12:35
