
People Became In Chaos Owing To Themselves Besides Typhoon Hagibis In Japan In 2019

Some people did not stay home in 2019. Massive typhoon number 19 Hagibis had Tokyo area in its sights. Japanese railway companies announced service cancelation on TV on Oct. 11th that intended the area avoiding predicted havoc. After Hagibis went away, railway lines were reopened on Oct. 14th. Certainly the typhoon caused Japan in chaos, but train users also caused themselves in chaos. Besides the typhoon, there are three matters on how people get in touch with the public notices.
  First of all, incorrect information made young people confused very much. The younger people are, the more provably people depend on Twitter to get information. Twitter sometimes alarms us in a fake. Japanese railway companies also should tweet official information for young people. Second, ignorance of Japan existed among foreign travelers who came from North Frigid, Torrid, South Temperate, or South Frigid Zone. Such foreign travelers were not accostomed to Japanese subtropical climet. The scheduled railway line stoppage confused them while they were out because they had not known that stoppage. Trains did not came and they could not stay there. They went back to their hotel to take a shelter. Japanese hotel reception desks should actively inform hotel's foreign guests of the schedule in their native language before they go out. Finally, instructions forced workers to come to offices as soon as the railway lines were reopened, however it would be still dangerous to go out. Japanese office regulations remaineded the same for a long time. Japanese old companies did not only adopt railway company operations but also should adapt various ways in which their employees go to work or telecommute.
  In conclusion, the stoppage would have more sufficiently affected these people and reduced the damages, if Japanese young people and the foreign travelers take a shelter, if Japanese old companies admit teleworks, if railway companies and hotels notify also other ways, certainly TV told Japanese people of the plan, although the typhoon was large.

Please note that linked below is the question of Mx "英語のparagraph writing" https://oshiete.goo.ne.jp/qa/11463377.html which I appreciate.

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お礼日時:2020/07/07 05:16
