

1.The person I admire is grandma.

2.She supports me in everything.

3. For instance, when I performed at a big brass band competition or a piano recital, he gave me a warm handwritten letter.

4.What is more, when I talk about myself, she becomes very excited or worried like it is about herself.

5. My mother was busy when I was little, so she always cooked delicious meals and took care of me.

6. Even now, whenever I go to her house, she always gives me hospitality.

7.I am very grateful to her. I also want to be such a person.


  • 皆様、御回答ありがとうございました...!

      補足日時:2021/04/26 07:12

A 回答 (5件)

No. 4の補足

> 1.The person I admire is grandma.
--->>> The person I admire is _my_ grandma.
    • good
    • 1

ここの回答者の中には「アル中 and/or アルツハイマー」の方がいらっしゃるようですので十分注意しませう。

3. he gave me a warm handwritten letter.
--->>> _she_ gave me a _warm letter (or warm letters)_.

4. like it is about herself.
--->>> _as if_ it is about herself.

5. My mother was busy when I was little, so she always cooked delicious meals and took care of me.
--->>> 5. My mother was busy when I was a little child, so _my grandma_ always cooked delicious meals (for me) and took (great) care of me.

6. she always gives me hospitality.
--->>> she always gives me _warm welcome_.

7. I also want to be such a person.
--->>> I also want to be _such a nice person as my grandma__.
    • good
    • 1

3. の後半だけ直せば完璧です! 

まず、おばあちゃんがここでいきなり性転換なさいました。また、big brass band competition と a piano recital という複数のイベントに対して、たった1通の手紙を使い回しなさったのなら、あとはそのままでいいです。なお、これまで投稿されたご回答はいろいろと誤解なさっている部分が多いようです。
    • good
    • 1

4wooried about me です

    • good
    • 0

1.The person I admire is my grandma.


4.When I talk about myself, she becomes very excited or worried about like it is about herself.
「心配する,気にかける」は "worry about"
wor‧ry1 /ˈwʌri $ ˈwɜːri/ ●●● S1 W2 verb (worried, worrying, worries)
1 BE ANXIOUS [intransitive] to be anxious or unhappy about someone or something, so that you think about them a lot
worry about
I worry about my daughter.
You’ve really got no need to worry about your weight.

5. My mother was busy when I was little, so she always cooked delicious meals and took care of me.

Even though my mother was busy when I was little, she always cooked delicious meals and took care of me.

6. Even now, whenever I visit her house, she always gives me hospitality.
go to でも間違いではないが、visit のほうがいいかも。
    • good
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