


Describe what environmental problem you are the most interested in and explain the challenge to address, and the solutions. Write your essay in four paragraphs.

One of the environmental problems I am the most interested in is the international arrangements such as the Framework Convention on Climate Change. More than ten years ago, the third Conference of the Parties, what you call COP3, was held in Kyoto, where the Kyoto Protocol was adopted. About five years ago, this protocol went into force without the agreement of the United States, which eliminated the second most CO2 in 2009, followed by China. In addition, developing countries including China and India are not forced to decrease emissions. For these two reasons, many environmental specialists wonder if this treaty is effective for the environmental problem. Because of this matter, actually, Australia did not join it at the beginning. (This country joined now.)

It seems strange to me that the countries, the GDPs of which occupy the first and second places, are not obligated to decrease greenhouse gas such as CO2. To solve this problem, I think that the Japan's government should lead the green innovation field all over the world. In fact, the government regards green innovation as one of a few available strategies for economic growth. It is often said that environmental technologies of Japan is leading. In my opinion, the government should promote these technologies and help export them. Because China's government says that the country cannot help emitting CO2 to develop, all Japan can do is to give China the same development as that done by emitting extraordinarily much CO2. By importing the technologies, China could develop without emitting so much. Japan's government should show the advantages to that of China; for example, China would improve the international trust, which is the probably most serious problem China faces now.

To promotes these green innovation, Japan's government need to secure a considerable financial source. As you know, the government is facing a budget deficit; according to OECD, the budget deficit in relation to GDP of Japan is internationally much and the balance of Japan's debt in 2010 is by far the heaviest. This is why it is very difficult to secure the resource for promoting the green technologies. Because this field is surely expected to improve, however, the government would not love anything. Moreover, it would help the government solve another problem of unemployment. (376 words)


A 回答 (1件)



・「=」は"be動詞、五感の動詞"、「→」は"go; give; get(giveの意味); look"、「←」は"come; have; get; see"のようなものが基本的考え方です。日本語ではおよそ「~する」に収束します。長くなるので上記のヒントだけ。
・without the agreement of the United States, which eliminated the second most CO2 in 2009, followed by China.
⇒「排出する」という最適なことばは"emit; emission"あたりしかなく代替語として"eliminate"を選ばれたのでしょうが、確かに「外に出す」という意味で使わないこともない語ですが下の例のように、何となく「消えてなくなる」ようなニュアンスで使われるようです。
eliminate waste matter from the system 老廃物を体外に排泄する
eliminate impurities from foodstuffs (食べ物の原料となる)食料品から不純物を取り除く
eliminate a bug from a computer program コンピュータープログラムからバグを取り除く
こういう時どうすればいいか?日本語で思いついた漢語をいきなり英義同等語があるかどうか、それにその語を知っているかどうかも考えなければなりません。"big word"を知らない子供になって創作してみましょう。
⇒emit = throw ~ away up into the air; spray ~ all over the earth(自作)など混ぜても可?
⇒which eliminated the second most CO2 in 2009, followed by China
⇒"most"は「量」の最上級を表したものだと思いますが、"largest amount of"の方が理解しやすい?
⇒"followed by"⇔"headed by; led by"の関係も上の上と関係します。
⇒"which eliminated the second most CO2"="the second largest CO2 emitter"だと名詞構文
・Because of this matter, actually, Australia did not join it at the beginning.
⇒"this matter"はいかにも「日本語的」。Actually this prevented Australia from joining・・・でも?

⇒"GDP of which"は"the (A) of (B)[後ろから訳すof]"に対応しなくてはいけません。"the GDP of which"に。"a (A) of (B)[前から訳すof]数量関係"
⇒"the countries, the GDPs of which occupy the first and second places"="the first and the second largest GDP nations"だと名詞構文
⇒greenhouse gas such as CO2→greenhouse gases such as CO2(ガスはCO2以外にもある?)
⇒"the Japan's government"ちょっと多用しすぎ→"the Japanese government"の方が多い?
⇒lead = take the initiative inもあり。
⇒all over the world = throughout the world = the world over = all the world overいろいろ
⇒one of a few(まれにある)→one of the few が普通
⇒"Because China's government"の"Because"は省略して単文にした方がいい。読者の理由の推測は簡単。 "the Chinese government"が普通
・to give(secure) China the same develop(x) as that done by emitting extraordinarily much CO2
to make China aware that she will develop as much as they do by emitting an exessive amount of CO2
to ensure Chine of as much development as they enjoy now (by以下省略も可)
⇒(that of[省略可]) China
⇒improve the international trust→gain more international trust

・the budget deficit in relation to(x) GDP of Japan is internationally much
⇒the world finds the Japan's budget deficit greater than her GDP(名詞をうまく使って簡潔に)

・動詞の"big word"の繰り返しが多い。その理由は日本文を逐語的に英語に直しているから。
・「名詞」をうまく使い、関係を表す動詞を易しい動詞を基本とし、ときに"big word"を使う。「名詞」は"big word"でも可。


Good luck and keep studying!
    • good
    • 2


問題も自作したのですが、write in four paragraphsというのは

・「=」は"be動詞、五感の動詞"、「→」は"go; give; get(giveの意味); look"、「←」は"come; have; get; see"のようなものが基本的考え方です。

synonymous dictionaryなども使いながら、考え方(?)を見に付けたいと思います。

"following China"と書くべきでした。


お礼日時:2011/06/17 22:20
