
Wind power generation is becoming very popular, because it is one of the best ways to get energy. The first wind power generator was built in Denmark in 1891. Wind power generation has been popular there for many years. In japan there are now about 580 wind power generators. Many of them are in windy places near the sea,such as Hokkaido, Aomori , Akita and Okinawa . In Akita for example there are 67 wind power generators. These generators were made in Europe. We are getting more energy by wind power generatinon. Then (アバ) before we can say wind power generations is very useful wasy to get energy. Of course there are awesome problems we need a lot of money to make just one generator. And important parts only were for about 17 years. We have to think about the answers to these problems.
(  )書のアバと聞こえる部分があります。前後の内容から想定して当てはまる単語を教えていただけませんか。

A 回答 (1件)

>We are getting more energy by wind power generatinon. Then (アバ) before we can say wind power generations is very useful wasy to get energy.


We are getting more energy by wind power generatinon than <ever> before. We can say wind power generations is very useful wasy to get energy.

>And important parts only were for about 17 years.

And important parts only <wear> for about 17 years.

wear = 使用に耐える、使える、長持ちする = to stay in good condition after being used for a long time, もしくはto endure use : last under use or the passage of time


<intransitive verb>の1番
    • good
    • 0

それから、wear = 使用に耐える、使える、長持ちする も再度聞いてみるとwereと違ってますね。

お礼日時:2013/01/09 20:44
