


空所に入れるのに最も適当な語 句を下の(1)~(4)から1つずつ選 んでください。 1.The climate of my city is like () . (1)London (2)its London (3)those of London (4)that of London

2.The interview was very difficul t. They asked me a lot of questio ns, most of () I couldn't answer. (1)that (2)them (3)which (4)whom

3.The school () you need to find is located just around the block. (1)where (2)in which (3)at which (4)which

4.This television series is a () ric her visual experience. (1)more (2)most (3)much (4)very

This dress is a little tight for me. please show me () (1)other (2)another (3)each other (4)one

以上のごもんです! よろしくおねがいします(;> <)

A 回答 (1件)

1.The climate of my city is like (4)that of London.

the climate of London のこと。

2.The interview was very difficult. They asked me a lot of questions, most of (3)which I couldn't answer.
先行詞 a lot of questions を受ける。and があれば them という代名詞でよい。

3.The school (4)which you need to find is located just around the block.
find it(the school) と目的語になるので,which でよい。

4.This television series is a (3)much richer visual experience.

5. This dress is a little tight for me. Please show me (2)another.
    • good
    • 0
