
The finished product was fantastic, and I was living the California
dream: cruising up and down in my hot rod and drawing
admiring looks from the girls. I used to drive to Westwood Village,
where there was a square with two movie theaters; everyone would
hang out there and watch the cars going by. We went to drive-in
movies, too, something we had never encountered before. On our
first visit we didn't realize that you had to hook up the sound, and
we all sat in baffled silence inside the car trying to figure out what
the heck was happening on the screen and wondering why the sound
was so lousy. You can take the boy out of Iowa, but you can't take
Iowa out of the boy.

A 回答 (1件)

On our first visit we didn't realize that you had to hook up the sound, and we all sat in baffled silence inside the

car trying to figure out what the heck was happening on the screen and wondering why the sound was so lousy.
You can take the boy out of Iowa, but you can't take Iowa out of the boy.


You can take the boy out of Iowa, but you can't take Iowa out of the boy.

ここではIowaと成っていますが、 "You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy "を言い変えた語句。「3つ子の魂100までも」という意味です。つまり、田舎者は何処へ連れて行っても田舎者、と同意(同じ意味)。
    • good
    • 2


お礼日時:2016/09/21 17:48
