

(1) 残り物は全部食べていいよ。

(2) なぜそんなふうに笑うのか。

(3) 台風のせいで、時間通りに空港に着                              かなかった。
  (at/arriving/from/prevented/the airport/the typhoon/us) on time.

(4) 君が食べるべきなのは肉ではなくて野菜だ。
  It is (but/eat/meat/not/should/that/vegetables/you).

(5) 彼女が家を出るやいなや、雨が降り始めた。

(6) 「日曜日の夜は気が重い」「僕もだ」
  I feel gloomy on Sunday nights.

A 回答 (1件)

1 You can eat whatever is left.

2 What makes you laugh like that?
3 The typhoon prevented us from arriving at the airport on time.
4 It is not meat but vegetables that you should eat.
5 No sooner had she left home than it began to rain.
6 So do I.
    • good
    • 1
