

(1)その会議の5分前にそこに着いた。会議の1時間後に社長が来た。今から1時間後に客(a client)が来る。

(2) 猛吹雪のため、列車が遅れた。真夜中までに家に帰れるかしらと心配だった。 

(3) 君が人生で大事だと思うことを教えてください。

(4) その地図をなくさない限り、彼はどんなに忙しくても、時間内に来るだろう。

A 回答 (2件)


I/He/She/They/We arrived there five minutes before the meeting. The president arrived one hour after the meeting had started. A client will come one hour from now.

The train had delayed due to the blizzard(/heavy snow storm). I was worried if I would be able to get home by midnight.
Tell me about the things which (you think that) are important for your life.

No matter how busy he is, he will come within the time, unless he loses that map.

    • good
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1. Arriving 5 minutes before the meeting started.

The president joined 1 hour later the meerting started.
A client will come just in an hour.

2. Due to the snowstorm,the train was late.I was worried I would not return home until midnight.

3. Please let me know the most importasnt thing for you in your life.

4. As long as the map is with him,he will come in time even he is busier.
    • good
    • 1
