
解き方だけでもお願いします<(_ _)>

①You were very busy last Friday.

②She like to watch movies at night.

③She opened the door.
(the door を主語にして「〜された」という文に)

④Mari looked at the dolphins.

⑤There is a boy in the room.

1問でもお願いします<(_ _*)>

A 回答 (2件)

1,You looked very busy last Friday. (look で〜のように見える)

2,She likes watching movies at night.(to~と~ingは大体の場合同じです)
3,The door was opened by her.(be p.p. で受動態)
4,Mari was looking at the dolphins.(進行形のbeの部分を過去形にする)
5,There are two boys in the room.(複数にするだけ)
    • good
    • 0

① You looked very busy last Friday.

looked は appeared とか、seemed でもいいですが、
中1、2ということなら looked かと。

② She likes to watch movies at night.
≒ She likes watching movies at night.

③ The door was opened by her.

④ Mari was looking at the dolphins.

⑤ There are two boys in the room.
    • good
    • 1
