
高校英語の無生物主語 名詞構文の単元です。答えを教えてください
This cold medicine may ( )you ( ) sleepy
The computer breakdown ( ) ( ) ( ) finishing the work.
My father ( ) a very()golfer.
The school rules ( ) the students ( )()any white shirts.
B Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.
(1) ( to / everyone / the heavy storm/stay compelled) indoors.
(2) People around the world were ( recovery / surprised Japan's / after /at) the war
(3) ( the opportunity / of / robs / many children / poverty ) to learn.
(4) (the university / to / this road /take/will / you ).
C Express the following in English and complete the sentences
(1) Tsuyoshi is( )
The flight cancellation ( ) at the airport overnight.
I take ( ) of architecture.
Language ( )
D Express the following in English.

A 回答 (2件)


(誤)The Constitution of Japan made us to talk a long time.
(正)The Constitution of Japan made us talk a long time.
    • good
    • 1

make feel

prevented me from
is a good
allow to ware

B Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.
(1) the heavy storm compelled everyone to stay indoors.
(2) People around the world were surprised at Japan's recovery after the war.
(3) poverty robs the opportunity of many children to learn.
(4) this road will take you to the university.

a good speaker of Korean
forced us stay
take an interest (in)
enables us to communicate with others

The Constitution of Japan made us to talk a long time.
The bad weather prevent the airplane from taking off.
The dress makes you look younger than age.
    • good
    • 0
