

THE owner of a closely held enterprise wes desirous of going publio, whereupon he turned to a prominent underwriter for help. The underwriter reviewed the financial statements and told the owner that his company was first - rate and he would help: how-ever , it was necessary to give the financial statements the appropriate 'Image -hence , the company would now have to be audited by one on the "Big Elght firms.

The owner didn't know what was meant by the Big Elght, but the underwriter gave him a list of the eight fims comprising this inner circle, namely (In alphabetical order) : Arthur Andersen: Emst & Emst: Haskins& Sells: Lybrand, Ross Bros.& Mont-gomery: Peat, Marwick, Mitchell; Price, Waterhouse: Touche, Ross: and Arthur Young .

The next day the owner called the underwriter to tell him that it was all arranged- the books would henceforth be audited by one of the Arthurs. The underwriter was impressed-how did the owner go about his task? Did he really study the quality of each of the firms or did he just spin the bottle?

The owner assured the underwriter that a most careful and objective study was made. As the partner of each firm was interviewed, he was asked, "What does 2 plus 2 equal? Each of the respondents replied "Four, of course”- that is, all but the one from the lucky Arthur firm. His answer, after some serious reflection, was, What number did you have in mind?

A 回答 (2件)


だからこの問題は10年近く前に出されたもの。)がどれを選ぶんだ?という話になり、Auther Young(今はErnest Young)の会計士だけが、どんな数字に仕上げましょうか(粉飾しましょうか)と持ちかけて来たという粗筋。会計士が粉飾の片棒をかついている(いた)というところに焦点を当てるか、さすが個人オーナー、サラリーマン社長とは腹のすわりが違うという点に焦点を当てるか、はてまた会社経営は2+2=4にならない複雑なもの(so what?)に焦点を当てるか、良い点を取るためには出題者とあなたの関係を教えてもらわねば忖度しようがない。
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