
(1) My father will not let me (go, gone) to the movies.
(2) Let it be (do, done) quickly because it is getting dark.
(3) I had many friends (visit, visited) when I was busy.
(4) You'd better have the bad tooth (pull, pulled) out.
(5) He had his son (die, died) three years ago.
(6) He had his son (kill, killed) in the war.

(1) go (2) done (3) visit (4) pulled (5) die (6) killed

答えしか載ってなかったので解説をして頂けるとありがたいですm(_ _)m

A 回答 (1件)

(1) My father will not let me go to the movies. 使役動詞 let 人 原形

(2) Let it be done quickly because it is getting dark.使役動詞 let 物 過去分詞(形容詞「済んで,終了して」)
(3) I had many friends visit when I was busy. 関係代飯 who の省略
(4) You'd better have the bad tooth pulled out..使役動詞 have 物 過去分詞(歯は抜かれる)
(5) He had his son (die, died) three years ago.使役動詞 have 人 原形
(6) He had his son (kill, killed) in the war.使役動詞 have 人 過去分詞(戦争に殺される)
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2020/05/02 10:50
