

Whatever goes through the mind of a human being and is altered by it is creative.



A 回答 (6件)

Whatever goes through the mind of a human being「人間の頭脳を通過し」

is altered by it「脳/通過により変容されるものはすべて」
is creative「クリエイティブだ」

it:the mind of the human being
the mind:(人の)頭/脳


模範解答について・・・「心」は脳の活動ですから誤訳とは即断できませんが、心は想像力とは結びつかないように思います。この1文では判断できませんが、by it は「その事によって」というより、「頭脳(を通過すること)によって」とします。

質問者の訳について・・・誤りが1つあります。and は「AやB」ではなく、「AかつB」となっています。そうでなければ、「通過して変化のないもの」と「通過せずに変化するもの」が別々に存在することになります。問題文を正しくとらえた訳であれば、意訳は何の問題もありません。ただ、それっぽい訳とか、簡潔に訳したふりをして部分的に訳抜けしたものは減点の対象となります。
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私は"go through"は「感覚」よりは「思考過程」を意味すると解釈しました。



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・All writing that is not directly copied from another source is creative. A letter is creative. An advertising slogan is creative. Whatever goes through the mind of a human being and is altered by it is creative.

Creative writing cannot be taught; it can only be learned. A teacher cannot tell an individual how to write; he can tell him only how to write better. The teacher can conduct or guide or direct; he can save the writer time ― perhaps years ― by showing him shortcuts and by helping him solve technical problems that use up time and energy.He can help the writer overcome emotional difficulties that keep him from writing. The teacher can even strike a match and set the writer on fire. However, the flame itself is not in the teacher but in the writer.
All writing that is not directly copied from another source is creative. A letter is creative. An advertising slogan is creative. Whatever goes through the mind of a human being and is altered by it is creative. The difference between writers lies in their quality, their purpose, and their effect. The difference between a play by Shakespeare and a television drama is the
difference in the quality of the writing style, the purpose of the dramatic form, and the effect of the play on the audience. The writer may assume rightfully that he is creative, but he must determine where he belongs in he creative field; he must discover his potential as well as his limitations.
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   → これは2つの事(もの)を別々に言ってるように捉えられるけど、本来は、一つのものが「through して altered 」。
形容詞で”創造的” は、残した方が良いと思います。

もの → もの じゃなくて、
プロセス → 効果? なので。
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