
"A few years ago, I asked a friend to accompany me to a concert for which I offered her a free ticket. (I paid $150 for each one.) The original plan was to travel from New York state to Ohio, which would have been a three-day weekend. She responded with a grateful yes, then instantly changed the location to head in the opposite direction, planned out the entire trip, including the driving, and turned it into a five-day trip!

Well, it happened again. She's a great travel companion, so I asked if she'd like to go to Nashville with me for a couple of days. It instantly changed to a week, and she invited other people to join us without discussing it with me. Within 90 minutes of bringing up the trip to her, it no longer includes Nashville! It's like she waited for me to invite her to do something just so she could change it to something she wanted to do.

It really hurts that she oversteps my invitations."

for whichはなぜ前置詞のforなのでしょうか?(inやwithではなく)あと、oversteps my invitationsの訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

A 回答 (1件)

>for whichはなぜ前置詞のforなのでしょうか?(inやwithではなく)

I offered her a free ticket for a concert だからです。
I offered her a free ticket in/with a concert ですとまったく違う意味になりますよね。

>あと、oversteps my invitationsの訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

overstep の意味は「〔境界線・制限などを〕越える/〔~の〕限度を超す」なので、直訳でまったく問題ないと思うのですが、私なら「そこ、誘ってないし」とか「それ、あたしの提案と違うし」と訳すかもしれません。

    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2021/08/06 17:33
