
There are some disadvantages which include the relatively extensive surgical needed which has a steep learning curve and possibility of risk of perforation of Schneiderian membrane, longer recovery time, and added cost.

一方、デメリットとしては、手術が大掛かりになるため、習得が難しく、Schneiderian membraneの穿孔の危険性があること、回復に時間がかかること、費用がかかることなどが挙げられます。

deep L

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC805 …





A 回答 (2件)


(1) 原文:
It is the generally accepted method with advantages of wide exposure of sinus hence good accessibility, significant elevation of the sinus floor, and increase in sufficient subantral bone volume.

(2) 書き換え後:
Advantages of this generally accepted method include wide sinus exposure, resulting in good accessibility, a significantly elevated sinus floor, and a higher subantral bone volume.
    • good
    • 1

著者はインド人で、英語は日本人の 1,000 倍くらい上手ですが、それでも英語ネイティブに比べると下手なようです。


(1) 原文:
There are some disadvantages which include the relatively extensive surgical needed which has a steep learning curve and possibility of risk of perforation of Schneiderian membrane, longer recovery time, and added cost.

(2) 書き換え後:
Among its disadvantages are a relatively extensive surgical need with a steep learning curve and a possible risk of Schneiderian membrane perforation, a longer recovery time, and added cost.
    • good
    • 1
