

Hi, there! After eating a dinner, I’m writing this. I want to talk to you a story.I am in the train home. I write a story of some guy. He is a really big and fat! Maybe his weight is over 100kg and looks so sleepy. He is sitting my left side next. (隣の隣の人と言いたいのですが……) What? I can hear…what? Wow! He is snoring like a big dog. The train is like a sardine can. But nobody talk. All of people can hear his snoring. It's funny, isn’t it? I have to get off a next station. Ciao for now!

A 回答 (5件)

After eating a dinner, I’m writing this.

I’m writing this after having dinner.

I want to talk to you a story.

I want to tell you a story.

He is a really big and fat!

Maybe his weight is over 100kg and looks so sleepy.
Maybe he weighs over 100kg and looks so sleepy.

隣の隣はnext to my left neighborでどうでしょう

(Oh,)What's that?のように言ってしまった方がいいように思います。
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お礼日時:2006/02/17 06:39


I am in the train home.
I get on the passenger car.
He is a really big and fat.
big man,fat man,large manの違いがあったはず

his weight is over 100kg and looks so sleepy.
he weighs over 100kg and looks so sleepy.
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☆big man,fat man,large manの違いがあったはず
☆he weighs over 100kg and looks so sleepy.

お礼日時:2006/02/17 06:43

After eating a dinner, I’m writing this. I want to talk to you a story.I am in the train home. I write a story of some guy.

->I'm on the train home and writting this one. I finished dinner before I came here.
I want to (or I'll) tell you a story about a funny guy who was sitting next to my left neighbor on the train.

I can hear…
->I heard something.

It's funny, isn’t it?
->Don't you think it is funny?

I have to get off a next station.
->I have to get off (this train) at the next station.

the guy's storyは過去形に統一してはどうでしょう

train homeで書いていて最後に
I have to get off a next station.が分かりにくい です。

I hope you like it!
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お礼日時:2006/02/17 06:49




I have just finished my dinner and now writing this diary.

I want to talk to you a story.
I wanna tell you a story とtellを使う事が圧倒的に多いと思います。話すより、話を自分が一方的に語るニュアンスでしょうか?

I am in the train home. I write a story of some guy. He is a really big and fat!
それでしたら、when I was in the train...と明確にした方が読み手には(日記だからいないか?)親切かと思います。

when i was on the train home, i saw one guy(男性は一人ですよね?) and i couldn't help writing about him!
Do you know why? Because he was really big! ....i mean "fat"...

Maybe his weight is over 100kg and looks so sleepy.

he was sitting next next on my left hand side. とかですかねぇ?

Then, at that moment, I heard something! I thought "What is this loud noise!?"でどうでしょうか?

He is snoring like a big dog.
もうちょっと大げさにpig とかもいいかも。ちょっと失礼ですかね?

get off a next station
get off at the next station. が正しいと思います。
I'm gonna miss his snoring for the rest of the day!とか付け足しちゃったりしてもいいかも。

I wanna tell you one story.
Here is this guy I met in the train home. と始めて、その後は現在形でもいけると思います。

So, you are working 6days a week, aren't you? That means tomorrow is not yet the weekend for you...
Please take care and have a nice day!
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Thank you for your answer. Yes,I am working now.

お礼日時:2006/02/18 15:38


 こんにちは! またお会いできましたね。

では、行ってみましょう。 (電車と行こうが一緒になるとどうしても、横浜近くの電車の車掌の言葉が気になってしまいます。 「次わかんない」「次はきくな!!!」ってね。 <g> これってかなり昔からのジョークなんですね。 でもいつ聞いても新鮮に笑えるのはなぜ? 浜っ子じゃないからかな。


>Hi, there! After eating a dinner, I’m writing this.

Hi, there! It's after dinner. As you can see, I'm writing again!

>I want to talk to you a story.

I have story that I want to tell you about.と言う言い方をして、教えたい話があるのよ。と言う表現になりますね。

>I am in the train home. I write a story of some guy. He is a really big and fat!

Just imagine both us are now in the train going home. OK? So, I'm now writing a story about a guy. He is really big and fat!

>Maybe his weight is over 100kg and looks so sleepy.

Maybe he weighs over 100 Kgs and looks so sleepy, I can tell.として、over 100Kgs(複数形)にして、looksの主語と同じにします。

>He is sitting my left side next. (隣の隣の人と言いたいのですが……)

He is sitting two-guys left of me.とかHe is sitting the other side of a guy at my left.と言うような表現ができます。

>What? I can hear…what? Wow! He is snoring like a big dog.

What is it? I can hear something!! Wow, it's the it? I can hear something!! ,,,,, Wow, it's the snore from the fat guy! He has fallen asleep. It is so loud!ともって行きます。 has fallen asleepと言う表現をして、知らない間に寝込んじゃった、さっきまではただ眠たそうな顔をしていただけなのに。と言うフィーリングを出すために現在完了形を使うわけですね。

>The train is like a sardine can. But nobody talk.

Nobody say anything about it!とすると、いびきに関して誰もなんとも言わない、と言うフィーリングを出す事ができますね。

>All of people can hear his snoring.

I know everyone in the train can hear his snoring!! みんないびきが聞こえるのは分かっているのに!

>It's funny, isn’t it? I have to get off a next station. Ciao for now!

OKです。ですが、最初の設定は、帰りの電車に乗っているとイメージしてください、ということでしたね。 ですから、 It's funny, sin't it?として、Well, this was the story. Did you like it? Good. Ok, I'll see you again. Ciao for now!



では私もCiao for now!

これでいかがでしょうか。 分かりにくい点がありましたら、補足質問してください。
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お礼日時:2006/02/18 19:38
