
Even in the most informally constituted groups - a group of school friends, people waiting in line for football tickets - a sense of unity and purpose exists to hold them together briefly. For a time, the group is both a means to make outside contact for the common interest and a form of protection for the individual from the sometimes hostile world beyond the group.

最後の方にある a means to make outside contact for the common interest とありますが、「共通の利益のために、外部接触をとる手段」という訳でよいのでしょうか。ここの解釈がいまいちはっきりと分かりません。具体的にいうとどのようなことなのかイメージができるように説明していただけると非常に助かります。

A 回答 (1件)


Even in the most informally constituted groups - a group of school friends, people waiting in line for football tickets - a sense of unity and purpose exists to hold them together briefly. For a time, the group is both a means to make outside contact for the common interest and a form of protection for the individual from the sometimes hostile world beyond the group.





(3)a form of protection は、本当は、a means to protect と書きたいところなのですが、同じ言葉の繰り返しを避けるため、別の言葉にしているだけですので、means を使っていると思って訳せばいいと思います。

    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2007/06/28 11:29
