
"Yes, sir."という言い方をよくみますし聞きますね。
これを女性に対して言う時は、"Yes, ma'am."になるものだとずっと思っていたのですが、"Battlestar Galactica"というアメリカのSFドラマでは、女性である大統領に対し、主人公の一人であるある大尉が"Yes, sir."と言っていました。

A 回答 (2件)

似たような質問がSCIFI.COMに投稿されていて、 脚本家の一人が答えています。

(http://blog.scifi.com/battlestar/archives/2006/0 …

Q: 「上官が女性でも"Sir"で呼びかけるのは何故?私は軍隊にいたけど、女性の将校に"Ma'am"と呼びかけるべきなのは誰でも知っていた」

A: This was something I took from Wrath of Khan. In that film, everyone called Saavik "sir" and I liked the way it played and the implication that the honorific had become gender neutral at that point. On Next Generation, we didn't encounter a point where a female officer had to be addressed with a "sir" or ma'am" until well into the run -- an embarassing moment for the entire writing staff, by the way -- and it started a fair amout of debate about which one should be used to address Troi during a crisis (I believe the episode was "Disaster"). My personal feeling was that there was something vaguely condescending about "Yes, ma'am" versus "Yes, sir" in context and that by addressing everyone as "sir" it made a point about the egalitarian nature of Starfleet. It's certainly a debatable point, and Jeri Taylor, the executive producer running the writing staff at that point, felt very differently about it. Ultimately, we decided to go with "sir" and follow the protocol from Wrath of Khan. When I was writing the miniseries for Galactica, I decided I wanted to use sir for all the female characters and I even toyed briefly with the idea of calling Laura "Mister President" but that seemed like a step too far. Billy does call Laura "ma'am" on occasion, so the term itself does exist in the Galactica universe, but the military invariably calls her "sir."
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女性大統領にいくら女性だからとYes, ma'amでは閉らないでしょうね^^;

Good morning Sir !! と言えとありましたが、自分に対して

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