

So, today I want to talk about the race problem.
What image(s)複数形?? do you have when you would be asked “race problems”.
The population of the America consists of four major ethic groups. White and black and Hispanic then we are. I have a friend who is actually Chinese, but he has grown up in the USA.
So, what do you think about oh his race?? Chinese or American or something else??
I think that he is both of them. We are a little of biological difference, and we don’t need to decide who is the most superior. We tend to decide which one is the best. We must have confidence of yourselfe. My favorite song AOZORA was mede by HIROTO. He is singer of THE BLUEHEARTS. He said in his word what of me do you understand from the colors of the color and eyes of my skin? I really agree with that. Don’t you think so??


A 回答 (3件)

>So, today I want to talk about the race problem.

⇒Today, I want to ponder over the subject of"race".
→日記なので自分に問いかける形で ”ponder(じっくり考える)”
→subject of “race” = 人種に関する課題 = 人種問題

>What image(s)複数形?? do you have when you would be asked “race problems”.
⇒What is race?

>The population of the America consists of four major ethic groups. White and black and Hispanic then we are.
⇒The population of the United States comprises four major ethnic groups: white, black, Hispanic, and we Asians.
→consists of = comprise どちらでも構いません(注compriseの後にofは要りません)
→ものごとを列挙するときは、コロン ”:” を使い、コンマ “,” で区切っていき、最後だけ ”and” で繋ぎます。

>I have a friend who is actually Chinese, but he has grown up in the USA.
⇒I have a friend who is actually Chinese, but grew up in the US.

>So, what do you think about oh his race?? Chinese or American or something else??
⇒What is his race? Is he Asian, white, or something else?
→”人種” のことを述べているのに “国籍(Chinese, American)” で区分するのは矛盾があります。

>I think that he is both of them.
⇒Technically he is Asian, but he may be better described as Asian-American.
→原文を尊重するのであれば、”I think he is both.” (of them は省いた方がスッキリします)。

>We are a little of biological difference, and we don’t need to decide who is the most superior. We tend to decide which one is the best.
⇒There is of little biological difference between the races and it is meaningless trying to determine which is the superior.

>We must have confidence of yourselfe.
⇒We must all have confidence in ourselves, as individuals.

>My favorite song AOZORA was mede by HIROTO. He is singer of THE BLUEHEARTS.
⇒My favorite song is called "Aozora", which was written by "Hiroto", a singer for "The Bluehearts".

>He said in his word what of me do you understand from the colors of the color and eyes of my skin? I really agree with that. Don’t you think so??
⇒He says in his words, "What of me do you understand from the colors of my eyes and my skin?" I cannot agree more.

Today, I want to ponder over the subject of"race". What is race?
The population of the United States comprises four major ethnic groups: white, black, Hispanic, and we Asians.
I have a friend who is actually Chinese, but grew up in the US. What is his race? Is he Asian, white, or something else? Technically he is Asian, but he may be better described as Asian-American.
There is of little biological difference between the races and it is meaningless trying to determine which is the superior.
We must all have confidence in ourselves, as individuals.
My favorite song is called "Aozora", which was written by "Hiroto", a singer for "The Bluehearts".
He says in his words, "What of me do you understand from the colors of my eyes and my skin?"
I cannot agree more.
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お礼日時:2011/06/13 00:37



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お礼日時:2011/06/13 00:36


Today I would like to talk about races.

There are four major ethnic groups in the States - white, black, Hispanic & Asians.

I have a Chinese friend who grew up in the USA. Is he Chinese, American, or someone else? I'd say both, or whichever he feels comfortable with, I'd say it doesn't matter.

There is may favourite song called Aozora by Hiroto, the singer of The Bluehearts. The song says, what do you know about me, don't judge me from the color of my eyes or my skin. I do agree. Do you?

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