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※S 主語、 V 動詞 O 目的語 C 補語

Psychoanalysis is both a new understanding of how the human mind works and a new way of treating illnesses of the mind.
One of the important ideas of psychoanalysis is that we do not know most of our thoughts and feelings and cannot control them.
Sigmund Freud compared the human mind to a block of ice floating in the ocean.
Just a small part of the ice shows above the surface of the water, while most of the ice is beneath the surface.Freud said that the mind was somewhat like the ice.
We know only a small part of our thoughts and feelings.
He called this part of the mind the conscious.
The large part of our thoughts and feelings that we do not know and cannot control he called the unconscious.


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お礼日時:2012/01/04 21:21
