
The emergency nurse comes to the team in a number of ways. One way is completing a four-year degree in college to obtain a BSN. (bachelor of science in nursing). Alternately, a nurse may complete a three-year diploma program (usually at a hospital) or a two-year associates degree program (usually at a community college). After completing any of these academic endeavors, the nursing graduate is eligible to take a licensing exam. After passing this exam, the nursing graduate becomes an RN (registered nurse) and can practice nursing. Many emergency nurses take an additional exam to become a CEN (Certified Emergency Nurse).

Many emergency departments utilize physician assistants (PA). PAs work under the supervision of an emergency physician. They can examine, diagnose and treat patients (usually the less complicated ones) and review their findings with the physician. In most states, they can prescribe medications. Typically, a PA has at least two years of college (most have a four-year degree) and some health-care experience before completing a two-year program to become a physician assistant. An exam is required to become licensed.

Many emergency departments have emergency technicians who perform a variety of tasks depending on the institution and state laws. Some of these tasks may include taking your vital signs, drawing your blood, starting your IV, performing EKGs, transporting you to and from various tests, and providing aid and comfort to family and friends. Training varies widely, but these technicians are often ambulance personnel or else are trained through the hospital.

This essential member of the team is one you don't hear about very often. He/she often handles the communication needs of the ER. A few important examples of important communication needs include the emergency physician needing to speak to the patient's family physician, families calling about their loved ones, family physicians needing to inform the emergency department about patients being sent in, or patients calling in needing medical advice. Also, he/she coordinates the ordering of diagnostic tests.

At teaching hospitals, you may be examined by an intern or resident. Teaching hospitals are hospitals that have training programs for physicians and are usually affiliated with a medical school. Interns are in their first year of training after graduating medical school. After the first year, the physician in training is called a resident. These physicians are supervised by an attending physician who usually has extensive experience in emergency medicine.

Emergency Departments are stocked with a huge array of strangely named, oddly shaped, beeping and blinking equipment. Here's a quick look at a typical lineup.

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※1:アメリカの看護師はその資格が細かく分かれています。その中でもEmergency Room(救急救命室)で働く看護師のことです。
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