
学校で、"a magic box"(下記)という話を習いました。
Old Woman: I want to give you this box in return.
(The old woman gives them a small box.)
Husband: What is it? What's inside?
Old Woman: It's a magic box. Make a wish and you can get anything. But you can only make three wishes.

[a magic box]
A husband and wife are working on their farm. An old woman appears and calls to them.

Old Woman: Excuse me, but could you please give me some water? I'm very thirsty.
Husband: Here's some water.
Please. Drink this.
Old Woman: Oh, thank you very much.
I'm hungry, too.
Wife: All right. You can eat my lunch.
Here you are.
Old Woman: Thank you so much.
This is very good.

The old woman finishes the lunch, and looks very happy.

Old Woman: I want to give you this box in return.
(The old woman gives them a small box.)
Husband: What is it? What's inside?
Old Woman: It's a magic box. Make a wish and you can get anything. But you can only make three wishes.
Wife: Three wishes?
Old Woman: Yes. So choose your wishes carefully.
(The old woman says goodbye to them and goes away.)

The husband and wife get home. They are tired and hungry.

Wife: I want to have a big dinner.
(Suddenly a big dinner comes out of the box.)
Wife: I can't believe my eyes!
Husband: Well, well! This is a wonderful dinner.
I want to have some good wine with it.
(They find a big bottle of wine on the table.)
Husband: What else can we get from the box?
Can we get another dinner for tomorrow?
Wife: Oh, no. Be careful.
It's going to be our last wish.
Husband: You're right. Let's go to the king and ask him about it tomorrow.

The husband and wife take the box to the king. The king hears their story and asks each of his three ministers for advice.

King: What's your suggestion?
First Minister: Our people are hungry. Let's make a wish to get enough food.
King: Mm. Food is necessary.
What do you think?
Second Minister: Let's wish for money. Imagine! People can go to the market and buy anything with the money.
Third Minister: That's not a bad idea. However, I have a different suggestion.
King: What is it?
Third Minister: It's simple. Let's wish for another magic box.
All: What a great idea!

A 回答 (4件)


you can get anything.を
「あなたは何かを手に入れられる」なら something と思ったんじゃないですか?

この anything は「なんでも」です

    • good
    • 0

You can get something


You can get anything

    • good
    • 1

any は肯定文では「どの~も」の意味です。

anything は「なんでも」
    • good
    • 1


    • good
    • 1
