

(1) It is necessary to make the fact () to everyone.

①know ②known ③knowing ④to know

(2) His father, () ,is over seventy.

①he looks like ②he seems ③it seems ④he seems like

(3) Get your work done by tommorrow morning, ().

①if always ②if then ③if possible ④if anywhere

(4) "Why is he so angry?" "Who () ?"

①thihks ②makes ③knows ④needs

(5) I was told to take a bath, () advice I followed.

①which ②whose ③its ④what

(6) He hurried to the station () miss the last train.

①lest he should ②in order that he may ③in case he should not ④until he should not

(7) "We had terrible weather during our vacation." "()?What a shame!"

①Did you ②Had it ③Was it ④Were you

(8) Such conduct does not () a gentleman.

①begin ②become ③belong ④behave

(9) I don't have the () idea of the result.

①biggest ②smallest ③faintest ④most

(10) () was a present from my father.

①My old camera of this ②My old this camera ③This my old camera ④This old camera of mine

(11) I hope you'll be () in the entrance examination.

①successions ②successive ③successors ④successful

(12) Books that can be enjoyed by young and old () are rather rare.

①either ②each ③altogether ④alike

(13) Your composition is good () the spelling.

①but ②except for ③unless ④except

(14) This is the () book I was looking for.

①very ②almost ③exactly ④rightly

A 回答 (1件)

(1) It is necessary to make the fact () to everyone.


(2) His father, (), is over seventy.
③it seems

(3) Get your work done by tommorrow morning, ().
③if possible

(4) "Why is he so angry?" "Who () ?"

(5) I was told to take a bath, () advice I followed.

(6) He hurried to the station () miss the last train.
①lest he should

(7) "We had terrible weather during our vacation." "()? What a shame!"
①Did you

(8) Such conduct does not () a gentleman.

(9) I don't have the () idea of the result.

(10) () was a present from my father.
④This old camera of mine

(11) I hope you'll be () in the entrance examination

(12) Books that can be enjoyed by young and old () are rather rare.

(13) Your composition is good () the spelling.
②except for

(14) This is the () book I was looking for.
    • good
    • 0
