
次の日本語を英語に直してくださいm(_ _)m (1) 1822年1月6日、ドイツで生まれた。

(2) 幼い頃からずっとトロイ(Troy)の遺跡(ruins) を発見したかった。

(3) 夢を実現するために、転職を重ねながら貯金し、文章(texts) を何度も音読する(read~aloud)ことによって10ヶ国語を習得した。

(4) 1865年に日本を訪問し、日本文化を賞賛(praise)した。

(5) 49歳のときにトルコ(Turkey)で発掘(dig)を開始し、2年後に、ついにトロイ遺跡を発見した。

(6) 彼の発見は考古学(archeology) 史上、最も大きな出来事の1つと見なされている。

A 回答 (2件)

He was born in Germany on 6 January 1822.

Ever since he was a child, he wanted to discover the ruins of Troy.
To make his dream come true, he saved money changing jobs, And mastered ten languages by reading texts aloud again and again.
He visited Japan in 1865 and raised Japanese culture.
When he was 49, he began digging in Turkey. Two years later, he finally discovered the ruins of Troy.
His discovery is regarded as one of the greatest event in the history of archaeology.
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Johann Ludwig Heinrich Julius Schliemann was born Feb.,6,1822 in Germany.

He had been wanting to discover the Ruins of Troy since he was a child.
In order to realize his dream,he saved money while changing jobs repeatedly,and mastered 10 languages by reading texts aloud.
In 1865 he visited to Japan and praised the culture of Japan.
At the age of 49,he started the activities of dig in Turkey and 2 years later,he discovered the Ruins of Troy at last.
His discovery is considered as one of the biggest moments in the history of archeology.
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