

(1) 事態がどのように進展するか分かりますか?


(2) その手紙をかばんの中に見つけたとき、彼女、どうしたと思う?

(did/what/finding/on/she/think/you/do)the letter in her bag?

(3) その子犬の見た目を教えてください。  

Would you (what/the puppy/desribe/looks)?   <1語不足>

(4) 有名になるとはどのようなことだろうか?


(5) 見知らぬ土地で暮らすことがどんなものか、想像できますか?

(imagine/what/is/to/like/live in/an unfamiliar place/could/it/you)?

A 回答 (1件)

⑴ Do you know how things will turn out?

⑵ What do you think she did on finding
⑶ describe what the puppy looks like?
⑷ I wonder what it is like to be famous
⑸ Could you imagine what it is like to live in an unfamiliar place?
    • good
    • 0
