
1) What did you do in front of the main shrine? If you prayed,what did you "say" in your heart?


2) If your grandmother were there, what would she pray?

彼女は、ご苦労様でした と祈る。

3) Some people do not think that Yasukuni is a sacred place. Why?


4) Did you feel it was a sacred space? Why?


5) 私は戦争に反対です。亡くなった人の写真をたくさん見たから。

6) 私は女子学生が書いた答辞を読んで、胸が熱くなった。

A 回答 (2件)


1) I prayed there will be no more wars.

2) She would thank the people commemorated there for their sacrifices.

3) Because many Chinese and Koreans died.

4) Yes, I felt it was a sacred space. The grounds are large, and I was able to pay my respects calmly and in peace.

5) Seeing the photographs of many people who died makes me oppose war.

6) I was strongly impressed by what a female student wrote in her valedictorian speech. Despite being young, her ideas were splendid.

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1. I prayed that there is no war.

2) I would thank her for the work she did.

3) Because many Chinese and Koreans died (in the war).

4) Because the shrine compound was spacious, and I could pray in peace.

5) I am against wars, for I saw many photographs of those who died (in them).

6) I was touched by a message written by a woman student. Though young I thought she was solid in her thinking.
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