
My husband tends to fight dirty, and I don't know how much more I can take. If we argue about some issue between us, he'll say something along the lines of, This is why you have so much trouble with your colleagues at work. He knows this is a touchy subject, and it upsets me. I have ongoing issues with two work colleagues who give me the silent treatment for months over perceived (but not intentional) slights, and it causes me a lot of social isolation and anguish.

perceived slightという表現をよく目にするのですが、どのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

A 回答 (2件)

perceived が「気づいた、認識した」意味で、perceived threat/value/risk/need などといろいろ後につきます。

slights は軽視とか冷遇、侮辱の意味ですから、「失礼に感じたこと」くらいの意味になります。
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お礼日時:2018/10/12 05:50

perceived - 捉えられた [perceive - (目や耳などの感覚で)捉える]

slight - 軽視そのもの、注意や敬意を払わないこと

perceived slight - 軽視したと捉えられた物事

preceived (but not intentional) slights - (軽視したつもりはなかったけれど)軽視したと捉えられた物事
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お礼日時:2018/10/12 05:50
