
In today’s day and age, we celebrate the big things: graduations, new jobs, new additions to your family, weddings. Amidst the big accomplishments, there are also little things that you can take just as much, if not more pride in.
https://gentwenty.com/stop-comparing-myself-to-o …

there are also little things that you can take just as much, if not more pride in.の和訳を教えてください。あと、if not more pride inの文法的解説もよろしくお願いします

A 回答 (1件)

there are also little things that you can take just as much, if not more, pride in.

→ if not more の前後にコンマがあるとはっきりします。文としては as much pride in とつながり、if not more (より大きくはないにしても)という「譲歩を示す句」が挿入されています。

    • good
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お礼日時:2018/12/12 00:36
