
TOEIC speaking and writing を受験予定です。以下、writing のエッセイを作文いたしました。添削いただけないでしょうか。よろしくお願いいたします。

問い:In some professions and occupations, such as in the health-care profession, employs must often work very long time shifts. What is your opinion about this practice? Give reasons or examples to support your opinion.

I think that some professions and occupations should work very long shift as long as they are needed to do so and they have enough motivation for long time work. However, at the same time, they definitely need enough rest between their shifts. There are some reasons that I think I am not against the statement.

First of all, we need some professions and occupations to work long time. For example, they are health care workers and emergency workers. We need them 24 hours for our lives. If you got in a car accident in midnight and you needed to see a doctor right away, the doctor should have been in service anytime even if it was late night. If there was a fire next to your house, you needed fire fighters immediately to come and put off the fire even if it was early morning. These accidents matter our lives. We need those kind of professions and occupations to be ready anytime we need them.

Second, some people like to work long time and take long day-off between their shifts. They like to stay with their family, go shopping, travel, and whatever they like during their long day-offs. It is not crowded in the city during weekdays instead of going out weekends. Working long hours is extremely tiring and you get exhausted, however, there are some advantages, long day off and taking day offs during weekday, for them. Some people think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

In conclusion, I support the statement of that some professions and occupations should work very long shift. However, in case of that they are needed for long time work and they have enough motivations or feel merits for it.

A 回答 (1件)

TOEIC speaking and writing の採点基準などは存じ上げないのでエッセイにおける一般的な観点から申し上げます。

まず、これもToeicの採点基準などはどうか分かりませんが、こういったpros and cons 的なすべきか否かのようなエッセイに落とし込むのであれば、結論や主張となる部分はどちらか一方の簡潔な意見が好まれるように思います。




あとは細かい統語的なところですが、ぱっと目を通してまず気になったのは、理由2のIt is not crowded〜の部分でしょうか。おそらく休日出かけるので平日の街中はあまり混んでない。ということをおっしゃりたかったのだと思いますが、instead of going out という部分が変です。まずgoing out の主語がないのでこのようには使えません。加えて再度論旨の部分にも関わってきますが、この文は前後の文とあまり繋がりがないので何を伝えたいのかよくわかりません。休みを長く取れば比較的空いている平日にも出かけられるから旅行や買い物も楽しめる、と言うことでしょうか。

そしてday offの複数形は正しくはdays offです。また理由2の1行目のように複数形であるべきところが単数形になっている箇所がいくつか見受けられます。

そして結論の部分ですが、まずprofessionやoccupation は職業という意味で、職業が働く(work)のではありませんよね。働くのはemployee(従事者)です。

それから論旨は置いておいて、However〜の文は文法的に不自然です。in case of の後は[in case of emergency]のように名詞が来ることが多いです。名詞節を繋げたい場合はin case that〜の方が適切です。
そしてこの文はin case thatの名詞節のみになってしまっています。
つまりわかりやすく例えるならばこの文の構造はHowever, if you come.(しかし、あなたが来るならば。) と同じく、主文はないままで文が完結してしまっています。

In conclusion, I think employees in some professions and occupations should work long shifts in case that they are needed to do so or they have enough motivation.

    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2021/02/15 22:01
